Ahmed Kirmani
Computational Time-Resolved Imaging,
PhD thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT, February 2015
Ahmed Kirmani received his undergraduate degree in Mathematics and Computing from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi in 2008.
He received his S.M. degree in Media Arts and Sciences from MIT in 2010. He started collaborating with the STIR group in January 2009,
and in June 2010 he entered the PhD program in EECS at MIT and joined the STIR group.
As an undergraduate, Kirmani interned at the Max Planck Institute of Biological Cybernetics (2005) in Tuebingen, Germany,
at the Mitsubishi Electric Research Lab (MERL, 2006) and Lyric Semiconductor (2007) in Cambridge, USA.
Kirmani received the David Marr Prize Honorable mention for the best paper at ICCV 2009
for his work on time-resolved computational imaging and the Jin-Au Kong Doctoral Thesis Award, 2nd place
(best MIT PhD dissertation in electrical engineering).