Signal Transformation and Information Representation Group :: Professor Vivek K Goyal
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Partners and Sponsors

The group works closely with a small number of industrial partners with whom we have identified common interests and goals. If your company would like to become an industrial partner, feel free to contact us directly.

We also gratefully acknowledge the financial support of private and governmental sponsors. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

Link: National Science Foundation   US National Science Foundation

(Awards: 0643836, 0729069, 1101147, 1115159, 1161413, 1422034, 1441917, 1815896, 1955219, 2039762)

Link: Analog Devices, Inc.
<empty> Analog Devices, Inc.
Link: Draper Laboratory   Draper Laboratory
Link: Google   Google
Link: Hewlett-Packard, Inc.   Hewlett-Packard, Inc.
Link: Lincoln Laboratory   Lincoln Laboratory
Link: NEC   NEC Corporation
Link: Qualcomm   Qualcomm
Link: Siemens   Siemens
Link: Texas Instruments   Texas Instruments


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